Assistant professor in government engineering college exam published in 2022. The syllabus comprises of two parts as given below Mode of Exam: MCQ (OMR) Exam contains 100 Questions Each correct answer carry one mark & 0.33 detected for wrong answers Total time allotted : 1hr 15 min Do you believe that all questions comes from the syllabus  ? NO, Thorough knowledge of subject is required since question from outside can be expected. In the recent years we can see a trend of deviation in questions in the technical exams conducted by the Kerala PSC. Will only studying topics in syllabus fetch me a GOVT Job? Do not blindly follow the syllabus rather have good technical knowledge of your subjects. If you check the previous year papers you could find out many questions coming outside the syllabus in all technical exams by Kerala PSC. Assistant Professor in COMPUTER SCIENCE ENGINEERING SYLLABUS *Non Technical portions has been omitted from the syllabus  MATHEMATICS   (ENGINEERING) Matrices:   Rank, systems of linear  equations, consistency,  eigen values, eigen vectors, Cayley Hamilton Theorem, diagonalisation, linear dependence and independence of vectors. Demo Class : Click Here Partial Differentiation: Partial derivatives, Euler’s theorem on homogeneous functions, total derivatives, Jacobians, Taylor’s series (one and two variables) – Maxima and minima of functions of two variables – Lagrange’ s method. Vector Differentiation: Scalar and vector functions, differentiation of vector functions  – velocity  and acceleration  – scalar and  vector fields  – operator  Ñ     – Gradient – Directional derivative – Divergence – Curl – irrotational and solenoidal fields – scalar potential. Laplace Transforms: Transforms of elementary functions, shifting property – inverse transforms – transforms of derivatives and integrals – transform of functions multiplied  by  t  and  divided  by  t –  convolution  theorem,  solution  of  ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients using Laplace transforms. Ordinary Differential  Equations:  First Order ordinary differential equations, systems of linear first order ordinary differential equations, linear ordinary differential equations of higher order with constant coefficients, linear second order ordinary differential equations with variable coefficients (Cauchy and Legendre equations), Method of Laplace transforms for solving ordinary differential equations. Complex Analysis: Analytic functions, conformal mappings, bilinear transformations, complex integration, Cauchy’s integral theorem and formula, Taylor and Laurent’s series, residue theorem. Fourier Series: Fourier series of periodic functions of period 2 π and 2 ℓ, odd and even functions, Half range expansions. BASIC                CIVIL  ENGINEEERING Mechanics  – statistics  –  Coplanar  forces  – conditions  of equilibrium.  Support reactions – Simply supported and overhanging beams. Friction – Laws of friction – applications. Centre of gravity and moment of inertia of plane areas. Dynamics – rectilinear motion – Newton’s laws of motion – curvilinear motion. Building materials – common building materials – stone, brick, cement, steel, aggregate, concrete, timber – properties, IS specification. Building construction – types and functions of the following structural components of buildings – foundations and superstructure. Surveying – principle of surveying – linear measurements using chain – levelling work – reduction of levels. Demo Class : Click Here      BASIC MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Zeroth, first and second laws of thermodynamics, CI and SI Engines, properties of steam. Centrifugal and reciprocating pumps, hydraulic turbines, refrigeration and air conditioning, hydro-electric, thermal and nuclear power plants, mechanical power transmission systems such as belt, rope, chain and gear, manufacturing process – casting,  forging, rolling,  brazing,  soldering,  and  welding, machining  process  – turning, shaping, drilling, grinding and milling. Conic sections and miscellaneous curves, orthographic, isometric and perspective projections. Demo Class : Click Here        BASIC  ELECTRICAL        ENGINEERING Ohm’s  law,  Kirchoff’s laws  – solution  of  series and  parallel  circuits  with  dc excitation. Magnetic circuits: MMF, field strength, flux density, reluctance, electromagnetic induction, Faraday’s laws, Lenz’s law, statically and dynamically induced emfs, self and mutual induction, co-efficient of coupling. Principle  of  generation  of  alternating  current –  waveforms  –  frequency,  period, average and rms values, form factor. Generation of 3 phase ac voltage, star and delta connections, voltage & current relationships in star and delta (balanced system only). Principle of operation of dc motor & generator, single phase transformer and three phase induction motor. Types of lamps, necessity of earthing. BASIC                                                                          ELECTRONICS  ENGINEERING Devices – working principle of PN junction, Zener diode and BJT. Systems – Rectifiers : Half wave, Full wave and Bridge. Filters: Capacitors and Inductors. Amplifiers & Oscillators – Common Emitter RC coupled amplifier and its frequency response. Principles of Wein-bridge oscillator. Op-amps: Basics, inverting and non- inverting amplifier. Communication – Need for modulation, principles of AM and FM. Measurements – Working principles of CRO and Multimeter.                            BASIC     COMPUTER     SCIENCE Functional units of a computer. Programming in C – control structures, functions. Mechanics of Structures Simple stress and strain relationship: Stress and strain in two dimensions, principal stresses, Stress transformation, Mohr’s circle – Bending moment and shear force in statically determinate beams – Simple bending theory, flexural and shear stress – Thin walled pressure vessels, uniform torsion, buckling of column, combined and direct bending stresses. Analysis of statically determinate trusses, arches, beams, cables and frames – Deflection of beams, methods – Displacements in statically determinate structures and analysis of statically indeterminate structures by force / energy methods, analysis by displacement methods (slope deflection and moment distribution methods) – influence lines for determinate and indeterminate structures – Basic concepts of matrix methods of structural analysis. Demo Class : Click Here Structural design, Construction and Management Concrete Structures – Concrete technology – properties of concrete, mix design. Concrete design – working stress and limit state design concepts – analysis of ultimate load capacity and design of members subjected to flexure, shear, compression and torsion by limit state methods. Basic elements of pre-stressed concrete, analysis of beam sections (rectangular and I sections). Design of retaining walls and water tanks. Steel structures – Analysis and design of tension and compression members, beams, beam-columns, column bases. Connections – simple and eccentric beam column connections – plate girders and trusses – Plastic analysis of beams and frames. Construction Management – Construction, planning and scheduling – Bar chart, CPM, PERT – construction equipments
Tag: Kerala PSC 2022
Assistant Professor in MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Syllabus Kerala PSC 2025Assistant Professor in MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Syllabus Kerala PSC 2025
The Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering Syllabus Kerala PSC 2025 covers essential topics such as thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, and mechanical vibrations, providing a comprehensive foundation for the exam. Assistant professor in government engineering college exam published in 2022. The syllabus comprises of two parts as given below Mode of Exam: MCQ (OMR) Exam contains 100 Questions Each correct answer carry one mark & 0.33 detected for wrong answers Total time allotted : 1hr 15 min Do you believe that all questions comes from the syllabus  ? NO, Thorough knowledge of subject is required since question from outside can be expected. In the recent years we can see a trend of deviation in questions in the technical exams conducted by the Kerala PSC. Will only studying topics in syllabus fetch me a GOVT Job? Do not blindly follow the syllabus rather have good technical knowledge of your subjects. If you check the previous year papers you could find out many questions coming outside the syllabus in all technical exams by Kerala PSC. Assistant Professor in MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SYLLABUS *Non Technical portions has been omitted from the syllabus  MATHEMATICS   (ENGINEERING) Matrices:   Rank, systems of linear  equations, consistency,  eigen values, eigen vectors, Cayley Hamilton Theorem, diagonalisation, linear dependence and independence of vectors. Demo Class : Click Here Partial Differentiation: Partial derivatives, Euler’s theorem on homogeneous functions, total derivatives, Jacobians, Taylor’s series (one and two variables) – Maxima and minima of functions of two variables – Lagrange’ s method. Vector Differentiation: Scalar and vector functions, differentiation of vector functions – velocity  and acceleration  – scalar and  vector fields  – operator  Ñ     – Gradient – Directional derivative – Divergence – Curl – irrotational and solenoidal fields – scalar potential. Laplace Transforms: Transforms of elementary functions, shifting property – inverse transforms – transforms of derivatives and integrals – transform of functions multiplied  by  t  and  divided  by  t –  convolution  theorem,  solution  of  ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients using Laplace transforms. Ordinary Differential  Equations:  First Order ordinary differential equations, systems of linear first order ordinary differential equations, linear ordinary differential equations of higher order with constant coefficients, linear second order ordinary differential equations with variable coefficients (Cauchy and Legendre equations), Method of Laplace transforms for solving ordinary differential equations. Complex Analysis: Analytic functions, conformal mappings, bilinear transformations, complex integration, Cauchy’s integral theorem and formula, Taylor and Laurent’s series, residue theorem. Fourier Series: Fourier series of periodic functions of period 2 π and 2 ℓ, odd and even functions, Half range expansions. BASIC                CIVIL  ENGINEEERING Mechanics  – statistics  –  Coplanar  forces  – conditions  of equilibrium.  Support reactions – Simply supported and overhanging beams. Friction – Laws of friction – applications. Centre of gravity and moment of inertia of plane areas. Dynamics – rectilinear motion – Newton’s laws of motion – curvilinear motion. Building materials – common building materials – stone, brick, cement, steel, aggregate, concrete, timber – properties, IS specification. Building construction – types and functions of the following structural components of buildings – foundations and superstructure. Surveying – principle of surveying – linear measurements using chain – levelling work – reduction of levels. Demo Class : Click Here      BASIC MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Zeroth, first and second laws of thermodynamics, CI and SI Engines, properties of steam. Centrifugal and reciprocating pumps, hydraulic turbines, refrigeration and air conditioning, hydro-electric, thermal and nuclear power plants, mechanical power transmission systems such as belt, rope, chain and gear, manufacturing process – casting,  forging, rolling,  brazing,  soldering,  and  welding, machining  process  – turning, shaping, drilling, grinding and milling. Conic sections and miscellaneous curves, orthographic, isometric and perspective projections. Demo Class : Click Here        BASIC  ELECTRICAL        ENGINEERING Ohm’s  law,  Kirchoff’s laws  – solution  of  series and  parallel  circuits  with  dc excitation. Magnetic circuits: MMF, field strength, flux density, reluctance, electromagnetic induction, Faraday’s laws, Lenz’s law, statically and dynamically induced emfs, self and mutual induction, co-efficient of coupling. Principle  of  generation  of  alternating  current –  waveforms  –  frequency,  period, average and rms values, form factor. Generation of 3 phase ac voltage, star and delta connections, voltage & current relationships in star and delta (balanced system only). Principle of operation of dc motor & generator, single phase transformer and three phase induction motor. Types of lamps, necessity of earthing. BASIC                                                                          ELECTRONICS  ENGINEERING Devices – working principle of PN junction, Zener diode and BJT. Systems – Rectifiers : Half wave, Full wave and Bridge. Filters: Capacitors and Inductors. Amplifiers & Oscillators – Common Emitter RC coupled amplifier and its frequency response. Principles of Wein-bridge oscillator. Op-amps: Basics, inverting and non- inverting amplifier. Communication – Need for modulation, principles of AM and FM. Measurements – Working principles of CRO and Multimeter.                            BASIC     COMPUTER     SCIENCE Functional units of a computer. Programming in C – control structures, functions. Thermodynamics    and  Fluid  Mechanics Thermodynamic processes, entropy, irreversibility and availability, basic thermodynamic  cycles,  behaviour  of ideal  and real  gases, properties  of pure substances, computation of work and heat, ideal processes, analysis of thermodynamic cycles related to energy conversion. Fluid mechanics: Fluid properties, fluid statics, manometry, buoyancy, control volume analysis of mass, momentum and energy, fluid acceleration, differential equations of continuity and momentum. Euler’s equation, Bernoulli’s equation, laminar flow through pipes, boundary layer displacement, momentum and energy thickness, flow through pipes, minor and major losses, dimensional analysis. Heat transfer: Modes of heat transfer, one dimensional heat conduction, thermal resistance, fins, free and forced convective heat transfer, dimensionless parameters, problems in convective heat transfer with the help of correlation, thermal boundary layer, radiation, black and grey surfaces, shape factors, network analysis. Mechanics of Solids: Stress-strain relationship and elastic constant, principal stress and strains, Mohr’s circle for plane stresses and plane strains, shear force and bending moment diagrams, bending of beams, torsion of circular shafts, Euler’s theory of columns, strain energy, thermal stresses. Theory  of  Machines Kinematic and dynamic analysis of planer mechanisms. Cams, Gears and gear trains. Flywheels, Governors, Balancing of rigid rotors and field balancing, Balancing of single and multi cylinder engines, free and forced vibrations